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Hair #3 Supplements that work.

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

This picture means more to me than I can express. I haven't worn my hair up out in public for a very long time because it seemed like you could see that it was thinning and it made me feel self conscious. This picture is also very special because my adorable hubby is in it with me and this night he was taking me to my first prom.

But we are talking about HAIR

My hair is finally starting to feel healthy again. There is new growth and I can wear it up and feel elegant.

It's not all the way healed yet but it is on it way.

I'm having new growth!

I have changed my attitude and my routine and I have lots of hope. I mean I am in the Mrs Utah America pageant in a little over a month and I really want my hair to be lovely.

I believe it will be.

So, the new routine that I have been implementing in my life is what I wanted to tell you all about because it feels like I am improving daily.

First of all I read scriptures every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I feed my soul. I feel energized spiritually and because of this I don't feel negativity in my. life. And I stay away from anything that is harmful to me or to others such as gossip or negative comments about anything or anyone who is trying to bring others down. I just side step it. It doesn't get any of my attention. IF you believe like I do, that what we focus on we manifest, then you will understand how very deeply I feel about bringing others down. We are all dealing with our own struggles and we don't need to have unnecessary adversity put upon us. Let's lift each other all of the time. Why not? It feels better.

Next, I stopped all sugar in October. I was terribly addicted to sugar. My body craved it 24/7. So I just stopped. I also stopped eating white flour or anything processed. Now in an effort to remain honest I mean I did write a book Just Be Honest. So in an effort to be honest let me say that I do drink a diet coke every once in a while. It is my next hurdle I'm going to have to face. But I am going to say that I am beyond proud of myself for not eating sugar or flour. I feel amazing by the way and have lost inches and pounds. Thats another blog for another day but I do believe it has helped me with my attitude and my HAIR!!

I do exercise but not like so many people I know. I take the stairs as often as I can and I walk lots, just for those of you who are going to ask. I have a gym membership but I don't take advantage of it like I should. I am a work in progress. But make not mistake, I don't beat myself up and I do not allow myself to participate in negative thoughts. I highly recommend you take this to heart. Be kind to yourself. Be your own best friend. Yes be your best but take it in little steps and create successes to celebrate and PLEASE make it fun.

So, I have tons of friends like I'm sure many of you can relate, who have wonderful businesses in the social selling industry. I love to support my friends.

Several years ago I mentioned to a friend that I was having trouble sleeping and she gave me this cute little bottle of lavender oil. I sprinkled it on my pillow and I could not believe it when I woke up the next morning refreshed and having slept for over 6 hours...which is crazy amazing for me. So I became a believer. I do have to say, I tried other brands and was confused why they weren't working like this lavender in this little bottle. I ordered some more from my friend and was so happy to support her business instead of going to the big stores that don't even know my name. I realized that this bottle of oil was different from others I had picked up just at the grocery store.

So, through the years I have come to respect these special oils. This is just my story. I tell you the history of this because when I started noticing my hair was thinning and coming out in my hands I freaked out and reached out to my friend Carol who is someone I highly respect and has never lead me astray just to get a sale. It is irritating when that happens.

She shared with me this formula. (I'm sorry this is a huge link.)

(I know there is a way to make it smaller but I haven't figured that out yet. If you want to try these amazing products and get the discount just copy this link and paste it into the search bar.)

I put all of the products that I use topically on my scalp at night and the supplements that I take every morning into a link to share with all of you and I called the list Carol's hair products. This link will take you to the Young Living site. A little side note that I thought was really awesome is that if you want these products and your order comes to over $100 then you can get a discount. Which is kind of amazing especially if you knew how many dollars I have put toward products that just don't work so I was happy to pass this on to you. If you have questions about this or it doesn't work, reach out to me and I will answer your questions if I can.

This formula, is amazing. So to be very clear. Get a little roller bottle either from amazon or there is one on the Young lIving site i think. I didn't include it in my link.

In the roller bottle fill it half way with the V-6 oil and then put 10 drops of each of the Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood. Shake it up. Part your hair and roll it into the areas that are sparse. I have little hairs all over my head where I have been using this formula. Pretty exciting. Now here's the thing that I did after doing a little more research. I took the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosal bottle and dropped 10 drops of each of these oils in it and I spray it in my hair close to my scalp before i dry it. A little goes a long way. I use the K18 and the crown oil on the strands of my hair (this is the oil I talked about in part 2).

I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with your hair. It has been a literal game changer for me. I hope I have saved you time, money and frustration.

Now if you aren't used to using pure oils, they are not perfume. It takes a bit to get used to smelling kind of organic. I love the smell and actually get compliments so thats a good thing. For me it was more important that I was actually doing something that worked and was making me healthier not just my hair but my bones and my skin. The BLM is a bottle of supplements that helps your bones and your skin and your joints. It has MSM and Collagen. Collagen is the new trendy supplement everyone is taking so its nice to know you are getting that as well.

I will be getting back to my blog on living a positive successful life, but beauty has been such an important part of my life and I always want to pause and share my knowledge and finding when i can.

Enjoy. Remember to be honest with yourself in everything you do. Make sure who you are on the inside matches who you are on the outside. Do not live your life to fit into others expectations. Live your life to fit in to your own unique vision of who you want to be. That is how you experience confidence, balance and JOY!



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